Experience We Need in Madison
John has dedicated his life to public service in Central Wisconsin and wants to continue this once he’s part of Wisconsin’s State Assembly.
He understands that neighbors helping neighbors is how we succeed. For over 20 years he volunteered as a firefighter in the Marathon City Fire Department, retiring as Captain.
John has thorough knowledge of balancing local control with a strong relationship with Wisconsin state government. As a member of the Board of Directors and as President of the League of Wisconsin Municipalities he built partnerships to solve local problems.
He served as the President of the Village of Marathon City from 2005 until 2019. As a public servant he protected the environment while promoting local businesses at a global level. He knows we need safe drinking water, clean air, fertile soil, as well as markets for our Central Wisconsin agricultural and manufacturing products.

John knows that the health of our farm economy depends on the health of our animals. He worked as an animal health inspector for the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection for 28 years keeping people safe from livestock diseases.
As a veteran, John also values service at the national level. He rose to the rank of master sergeant in the Wisconsin Air National guard and retired after 20 years of service. He remains active in the American Legion.
John is proud of his history as a union member, steward, and Local Secretary in the American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees – Wisconsin State Employees Union. When workers are protected communities are stronger.
VOTE November 5th, 2024!
The Issues

Reproductive Health Care
Reproductive health care is a private matter between a woman and healthcare provider. The Wisconsin 1849 law criminalizing abortion is still on the books and needs to be removed.
Pro-Child Policies
We need pro-child policies in Wisconsin. Children should be safe, well fed, have excellent educational opportunities, and quality healthcare. Parents should be supported through affordable childcare.
Responsible Gun Ownership
As a past hunter and gun owner, John supports lawful and responsible gun ownership. To keep our communities safe and healthy he supports policies that address the risk of suicide and violence.
Rural Health Care
Rural healthcare depends on robust State and Federal support so all members of our communities have affordable access to the medical care they need.
The 86th District is in the heart of Dairyland for over a century. We also the home for United States production of ginseng. We need to strengthen agricultural education, building on programs like the Agricultural Center for Excellence in Marathon County. Securing the workforce is also a crucial part of sustaining a robust agricultural economy in Central Wisconsin.
Environmental Stewardship
Clean water, clear air, and fertile soils must be treasured and protected. Our health depends on clean water and air. Our agricultural economy depends on fertile soil. Our recreation depends on wise and protective use of the natural resources. Our future depends on addressing climate change and global warming. Central Wisconsin will play a part in producing green energy while making sure we honor the rights of land owners. Placement of large solar panels and wind generators requires careful land use planning with strong input by local residents.